PLMS | Programmable Linear Measurement Solution

  • Programmable Incremental Feedback
  • Absolute Feedback

PLMS Description

The EPC Programmable Linear Measurement Solution allows for the selection of the encoder type (absolute or programmable incremental), output type or protocol, measuring wheel type and size, optional mounting bracket, and optional programming kit (for the programmable incremental encoder). This wide array of component choices permit a flexible, robust measurement solution that can be fine tuned to meet the exact requirements of your application.


PLMS Step 1: Start with your spring loaded mounting bracket

Spring loaded mounting bracket

Stock #176742-02

This spring loaded mounting bracket fits 2.5” shafted encoders with servo mounts, and 58 mm shafted encoders with clamping flanges. It allows convenient application of an encoder and measuring wheel solution directly to a surface being measured. The bracket features a torsion spring, adjustable to up to 10 lbs of force, which permits the encoder and measuring wheel to be mounted in almost any orientation, even upside down. The single pivot action allows the assembly to adjust travel and wheel pressure for variations in material height. All units in inches unless otherwise noted.

Drawings & Documentation



Spring loaded mounting bracket

PLMS Step 2: Choose your encoder

For programmable incremental or absolute feedback, choose one of these encoders. Other encoder options are available. Contact Technical Support for more information.

Image Model Choose options: Drawings Datasheet Product page

Model A58SE

Ethernet absolute encoder

3/8" shaft

MH Clamping flange

Choose EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, or PROFINET

Drawing | Model A58SE (MH) Datasheet | Model A58SE Model A58SE product page


Model A58SB

Bus absolute encoder

3/8" shaft

MH Clamping flange

Choose CANopen or SSI

Drawing | Model A58SB (MH) axial

Drawing | Model A58SB (MH) radial

Datasheet | Model A58SB (MH) Model A58SB product page


Model A25SB

Bus absolute encoder

3/8" shaft

MC Servo mount

Choose CANopen or SSI

Drawing | Model A25SB (MC) Datasheet | Model A25SB Model A25SB product page

Model 25SP

Programmable incremental encoder

3/8" shaft

2.5" MC Servo mount*

Select output type, waveform, and CPR

Drawing | Model 25SP (MC) Datasheet | Model 25SP Model 25SP product page

*The MG flange is also an option, but it will limit the orientation of the encoder to 120° increments

PLMS Step 3: Select your measuring wheel

Choose your measuring wheel material: polyurethane, knurled aluminum, knurled anodized aluminum, or rubber insert. Below are recommended sizes, but additional wheels are available. Refer to Technical Bulletin TB-108 Encoders with Measuring Wheels for more information on how to choose the correct wheel for the material in your application.

Recommended Measuring Wheels

Image Stock # Circumference Rim type Bore size Width Read more
wheel-polyurethane-65_12in_stock-161428_updated 161428 12" 65 Polyurethane faced 3/8" 0.75" Polyurethane Faced Measuring Wheels
wheel-polyurethane-65_12in_stock-161428_updated 161442 300 mm 65 Polyurethane faced 3/8" 0.75" Polyurethane Faced Measuring Wheels
wheel-knurled-aluminum_stock-161361_updated 161432 12" Knurled aluminum faced 3/8" 0.75" Aluminum Faced Measuring Wheels
wheel-knurled-aluminum_stock-161361_updated 161443 300 mm Knurled aluminum faced 3/8" 0.75" Aluminum Faced Measuring Wheels
wheel-knurled-aluminum-anodized-300mm_stock-161438_updated 161436 12" Hard anodized aluminum faced 3/8" 0.75" Aluminum Faced Measuring Wheels
wheel-knurled-aluminum-anodized-300mm_stock-161438_updated 161438 300 mm Hard anodized aluminum faced 3/8" 0.75" Aluminum Faced Measuring Wheels
wheel-rubber-insert-12in_stock-161368_updated 161386 12" Rubber insert 3/8" 10 mm Rubber Insert Measuring Wheels
wheel-rubber-insert-12in_stock-161368_updated 161384 300 mm Rubber insert 3/8" 10 mm Rubber Insert Measuring Wheels

PLMS Step 4: Consider your accessories

Angled Mounting Bracket

Stock #176389-01


This bracket simplifies installation of your linear measurement solution. Designed specifically for EPC products, this bracket allows you to mount and install your encoder, bracket, and measuring wheel quickly and easily, without having to design, machine, or source a mounting solution.

USB Programming Kit

Stock #PR1-001 + Connector Cable


The USB Programming Kit is required for field programming capability for the Model 25SP, and is available with any connector. See below for the User Guide, Quick Start Instructions, the video to see how simple it is to program your Model 25SP.